Michael D. Cailas, PhD
Academic Director; Associate Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Program Director Dr. Michael Cailas is on the forefront of emergency management training and is committed to the advancement of public health and community health. He is the Executive Director for the Public Health Geographic Information Systems online certificate program as well as an Associate Professor for the Division of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences. He received an MS in Hydraulic Engineering from National Polytechnic University of Athens, and went on to earn his PhD in Environmental Engineering from McGill University. His research interests include water quality monitoring network design, environmental data analysis, risk assessment and cost benefit analysis. His professional interests are related to environmental risk management, data mining, geostatistics, and the development of Web-based courses and programs.
For more information, click here.
Selected Publications
Sambanis A., Kim S., Osiecki K., Cailas M.D. A new approach to the social vulnerability indices: Decision tree-based vulnerability classification model. Research Brief No. 114. Illinois Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL. September 2019
Stumpf M., Sambanis A., Cailas M., Utilizing HAZUS and PACER SURGE to map and characterize hospitals in Illinois within the New Madrid seismic zone. Progress in Disaster Science. Vol 4. December 2019. doi:10.1016/j.pdisas.2019.100048