John Canar, PhD
Adjunct Assistant Professor
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John Canar received his PhD from the University of Illinois at Chicago's School of Public Health. He is currently employed as an environmental scientist at the U.S. EPA's Superfund Division. In that division he is a member of a technical team, the FIELDS Group.
As a member of the FIELDS Group, he creates sampling designs, collects data, and performs GIS and statistical analysis. Sample designs are designed to meet the projects goals (e.g., spatial extent of contamination, determine if an area is above a threshold value). These designs are implemented and the data are collected and analyzed.
Collected data such as metal levels and radiation levels are spatially and statistically analyzed in order to support site decision-making. The analysis performed includes geostatistics, spatial analysis (e.g., interpolation), regression analysis, and various other parametric and non-parametric statistical methods. The results of these analyses include determining the extent of contamination, estimation of volume and mass of contaminated material, and creation of remediation (cleanup) scenarios.